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Cescchi S., Largy E., Gabelica V., Sissi C.
A two-quartet G-quadruplex topology of human KIT2 is conformationally selected by a perylene derivative
Biochimie (2020) 179, 77

Daly S, Rosu F, Gabelica V

Mass-resolved electronic circular dichroism ion spectroscopy
Science (2020) 368, 1465
see also: perspective by Perdita Barran in Science
                coverage in Chemical & Engineering News
Calabrese V., Lavanant H., Rosu F., Gabelica V., Afonso C.
Collision cross sections of phosphoric acid cluster anions in helium measured by drift tube ion mobility mass spectrometry
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2020) 31, 969

Abi-Ghanem J., Rabin C., Porrinni M., Rosu F., Gabelica, V.

Compaction of RNA Hairpins and their Kissing Complexes in Native Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom (2020) xx, xxx

Largy E., Gabelica, V.

Native Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry of Structured DNA Oligonucleotides
Anal.Chem. (2020) 92, 4402
Morsa D.,Hanozin E., Eppe G., Quinton L., Gabelica V., De Pauw E.
Effective Temperature and Structural Rearrangement in Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry
Anal. Chem. (2020) 92, 4573
Allison T., Barran P., Cianférani S., Degiacomi M., Gabelica V., Grandori R., Marklund E., Menneteau T., Migas L., Politis A., Sharon M., Sobott F., Thalassinos K., Benesch J.
Computational strategies and challenges for using native ion mobility mass spectrometry in biophysics and structural biology
Anal. Chem. (2020), 92, 10872
Allison, T; Barran, P; Benesch, J; Cianférani, S; Degiacomi, M; Gabelica, V; Grandori, R; Marklund, E; Menneteau, T; Migas, L; Politis, A; Sharon, M; Sobott, F; Thalassinos, K
Software for the analysis and interpretation of native mass spectrometry data
Anal. Chem. (2020), 92, 10881
Arévalo-Ruiz, M; Amrane, S; Rosu, F; Belmonte-Reche, E; Penalver, P; Mergny, JL; Morales, JC
Symmetric and dissymmetric carbohydrate-phenyl ditriazole derivatives as DNA G-quadruplex ligands: Synthesis, biophysical studies and antiproliferative activity
Bioorg. Chem. (2020), 103786

Our team is part of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

and is located at the Centre Medical Universitaire (CMU)


Contact: Prof. Valerie Gabelica

Unité de Spectrométrie de Masse Bio-Analytique

Section des Sciences Pharmaceutiques

Université de Genève

Rue Michel-Servet 1

1206 Genève

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