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69.  V. Gabelica

Mass Spectrometry and Gas‐Phase Chemistry of Non‐Covalent Complexes

Christoph A. Schalley and Andreas Springer, Authors D.M. Desiderio and N.M. Nibbering, Series Editors John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ ISBN: 978‐0‐470‐13115‐2 2009, Hardcover, 571 pages",

J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2012), 23(3), 570‐571.

68.  B. Pagano, S. Cosconati, V. Gabelica, L. Petraccone, S. De Tito, L. Marinelli, V. La Pietra, F. Saverio di Leva, I. Lauri, R. Trotta, E. Novellino, C. Giancola, A. Randazzo

State‐of‐the‐art methodologies for thediscovery and characterization of DNA G‐Quadruplex binders

Curr. Pharm. Des. (2012), 18(14), 1880‐1899.

67.  N.M. Smith, S. Amrane, F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, J.L. Mergny

Mercury–thymine interaction with a chair type G‐quadruplex architecture

Chem. Commun. (2012), 48, 11464‐11466.

66.  J. Zhou, A. Bourdoncle, F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, J.L. Mergny

Tri‐G‐quadruplex: Controlled assembly of a G‐quadruplex Structure from Three G‐rich Strands

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2012), 51(44), 11002‐11005. (selected by Faculty of 1000)

65.  F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw, R. Antoine, M. Broyer, P. Dugourd

UV Spectroscopy of DNA Duplexand Quadruplex Structures in the Gas Phase

J. Phys. Chem. A (2012) 116, 5383‐5391.

64.  L. Joly, F. Rosu, V. Gabelica

d(TGnT) DNA sequences do not necessarily form tetramolecular G‐quadruplexes

Chem. Commun. (2012) 48, 8386‐8388.

63.  R. Ferreira, M. Alvira, A. Aviñó, I. Gómez‐Pinto, C. González, V. Gabelica, R. Eritja

Synthesis andStructural Characterization of Stable Branched DNA G‐Quadruplexes Using the Trebler Phosphoramidite

ChemistryOPEN (2012), 1(2), 106‐114.

62.  R. Ferreira, A. Marchand, V. Gabelica

Mass spectrometry and ion mobility spectrometry of G‐quadruplexes. A study of solvent effects on dimer formation and structural transitions in the telomeric DNA sequence d(TAGGGTTAGGGT)

Methods (2012), 57(1), 56‐63. 

61.  A. Arcella, G.Portella, M.L. Ruiz, R. Eritja, M. Vilaseca, V. Gabelica, M. Orozco

The structure of triplex DNA in the gas phase

J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2012), 134(15), 6596‐6606.

60.  E. Largy, F. Hamon, F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw, A. Guédin, J.‐L. Mergny, M.‐P. Teulade‐Fichou

Tridentate N‐Donor Palladium(II) Complexes as Efficient Coordinating Quadruplex DNA Binders

Chem. Eur. J. (2011), 17, 13274‐13283.

59.  D. Delvaux, M.R.V.S. Murty, V. Gabelica, B. Lakaye, V.V. Lunin, T. Skarina, O. Onopriyenko, G. Kohn, P.Wins, E. De Pauw, L. Bettendorff

A specific inorganic triphosphatase from Nitrosomonas europaea: structure and catalytic mechanism

J. Biol. Chem. (2011), 286(39), 34023‐34035.

58.  N. Borbone, J. Amato, G. Oliviero, V.  D’Atri, V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw, G. Piccialli, L. Mayol

"d(CGGTGGT) forms an octameric parallel G‐quadruplex via stacking of unusual G(:C):G(:C):G(:C):G(:C) octads"

Nucleic Acids Res. (2011), 39(17), 7848‐7857.

57.  D. Morsa, V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw

Effective temperature of ions in traveling wave ion mobility spectrometry

Anal. Chem. (2011), 83(14), 5775‐5782.

56.  J. Amato, B. Pagano, N. Borbone, G. Oliviero, V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw, S. D'Errico, V. Piccialli, M. Varra, C. Giancola, G. Piccialli, L. Mayol

Targeting G‐Quadruplex Structure in the Human c‐Kit Promoter with Short PNA Sequences

Bioconj. Chem. (2011), 22(4), 654‐663.

55.  V. Gabelica

Determination of equilibrium association constants of ligand‐DNA complexes byelectrospray mass spectrometry

Methods Mol Biol. (2010), 613, 89‐101.

54.  C.M. Lombardo, I.S. Martínez, S. Haider, V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw, J.E. Moses, S. Neidle

Structure based design of selective high‐affinity telomeric quadruplex‐binding ligands

Chem. Commun. (2010), 46(48), 9116 ‐ 9118.

53.  K. Demeure, V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw

New Advances in the Understanding of the In‐Source Decay Fragmentation of Peptides in MALDI‐TOF‐MS

J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2010), 21(11), 1906‐1917.


52.  F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, L. Joly, G. Grégoire, E. De Pauw

Zwitterionic i‐motif structures are preserved inDNA negatively charged ions produced by electrospray mass spectrometry

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2010), 12, 13448‐13454.


51.  F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, N. Smargiasso, G. Mazzucchelli, K. Shin‐ya, E. De Pauw

Cation involvement intelomestatin binding to G‐quadruplex DNA

J. Nucleic Acid. (2010), 121259 (7 pages).

50.  G.W. Collie, G.N. Parkinson, S. Neidle, F. Rosu, E. De Pauw, V. Gabelica

Electrospray mass spectrometry of telomeric RNA (TERRA) reveals the formation of stable multimeric G‐quadruplex structures

J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2010), 132 (27), 9328–9334.

49.  F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, H. Poncelet, E. De Pauw

Tetramolecular G‐quadruplex formation pathways studied by electrospray mass spectrometry

Nucleic Acid. Res. (2010), 38(15), 5217‐5225.

48.  G. Collie, A.P. Reszka, S.M. Haider, V. Gabelica, G.N. Parkinson, S. Neidle

Selectivity in small molecule binding to human telomeric RNA and DNA quadruplexes

Chem. Commun. (2009), 48, 7482‐7484.

47.  N. Smargiasso, V. Gabelica, C. Damblon, F. Rosu, E. De Pauw, MP. Teulade‐Fichou, JA. Rowe, A. Claessens

Putative DNA G‐quadruplex formation within the promoters of Plasmodium falciparum var genes

BMC Genomics (2009) 10, 362.

46.  V. Gabelica, F. Rosu, E. De Pauw

A Simple Method to Determine Electrospray Response Factors ofNoncovalent Complexes

Anal. Chem., (2009), 81(16), 6708‐6715.

45.  C. Kinet, V. Gabelica, D. Balbeur, E. De Pauw

Electron detachment dissociation (EDD) pathways in oligodeoxynucleotides

Int. J. Mass Spectrom., (2009), 283: 206‐213.

44.  J. Amato, G. Oliviero, E. De Pauw, V. Gabelica

Hybridization of Short Complementary PNAs to G‐Quadruplex Forming Oligonucleotides: an Electrospray Mass Spectrometry Study

Biopolymers, (2009), 91(4), Special Issue “Advances in the Investigation of Nucleic Acids and Nucleic Acid Assemblies”, 244‐255.

43.  F. Rosu, E. De Pauw, V. Gabelica

Electrospray Mass Spectrometry to Study Drug‐Nucleic Acid Interactions

Biochimie (2008), 90(7), Special issue "Targeting DNA Part I", 1074‐1087.

42.  G.D. Mazzucchelli , V. Gabelica , N. Smargiasso , M. Fleron , W. Ashimwe , F. Rosu , MC. De Pauw‐Gillet, JF. Riou, E. De Pauw

Proteome alteration induced by hTERT transfection of human fibroblast cells

Proteome Sci. (2008), 6:12. 

41.  M. Bahr, V. Gabelica, A. Granzhan, E. Weinhold, M.P. Teulade‐Fichou

Selective recognition ofpyrimidine‐pyrimidine DNA mismatches by distance‐constrained macrocycle bisintercalators

Nucleic Acids Res. (2008), 36, 5000‐5012.

40.  N. Smargiasso, F. Rosu, W. Hsia, P. Colson, E.S. Baker, M.T. Bowers, E. De Pauw, V. Gabelica

G‐Quadruplex DNA Assemblies: Loop Length, Cation Identity and Multimer Formation

J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2008), 130(31), 10208‐10216.

39.  D. Monchaud, C. Allain, H. Bertrand, N. Smargiasso, F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, A. De Cian, J.‐L. Mergny, M.‐P. Teulade‐Fichou

Ligands playing musical chairs with G‐quadruplex DNA: A rapid and simple displacement assay for identifying selective G‐quadruplex binders

Biochimie (2008), 90(8), Special issue "Targeting DNA Part II", 1207‐1223. 

38.  V. Gabelica, F. Rosu, E. De Pauw, J. Lemaire, J.C. Gillet, J.C. Poully, F. Lecomte, G. Grégoire, J.P. Schermann, C. Desfrançois

Infrared signature of DNA G‐Quadruplexes in the gas phase

J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2008), 130(6), 1810‐1811.

37.  F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw, P. Mailliet, J.L. Mergny

Cooperative 2:1 binding of a bisphenothiazine to duplex DNA

ChemBioChem (2008), 9, 849‐852.

36.  V. Gabelica, F. Rosu, E. De Pauw, R. Antoine, T. Tabarin, M. Broyer, P. Dugourd

Electron Photodetachment Dissociation of DNA Anions with Covalently or Noncovalently Bound Chromophores

J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2007), 18, 1990‐2000.

35.  K. Demeure, L. Quinton, V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw

Rational Selection of the Optimum MALDI Matrix forTop‐down Proteomics by In‐Source Decay

Anal. Chem. (2007), 79(22), 8678‐8685.

34.  L. Quinton, K. Demeure, R. Dobson, N. Gilles, V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw

New method for characterizing highly disulfide‐bridged peptides in complex mixtures: Application to toxin identification from crude venoms

J. Proteome Res. (2007), 6(8), 3216‐3223.

33.  J. Gros, F. Rosu, S. Amrane, A. De Cian, V. Gabelica, L. Lacroix, J.‐L. Mergny

Guanines are a quartet’s best friend: impact of base substitutions on the kinetics and stability of tetramolecular quadruplexes

Nucleic Acids Res. (2007), 35, 3064‐3075.

32.  F. Rosu, C.‐H. Nguyen, E. De Pauw, V. Gabelica

Ligand binding mode to duplex and triplex DNA assessed by combining electrospray tandem mass spectrometry and molecular modeling

J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2007), 18(6), 1052‐1062. (issue cover)

31.  V. Gabelica, F. Rosu, T. Tabarin, C. Kinet, R. Antoine, M. Broyer, E. De Pauw, P. Dugourd

Base‐Dependent Electron Photodetachment from Negatively Charged DNA Strands upon 260‐nm Laser Irradiation

J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2007), 129, 4706‐4713.

30.  V. Gabelica, E.S. Baker, M.P. Teulade‐Fichou, E. De Pauw, M.T. Bowers

Stabilization and Structure of Telomeric and c‐myc Region Intramolecular G‐Quadruplexes: The Role of Central Cations and Small Planar Ligands

J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2007), 129, 895‐904.

29.  V. Gabelica, T. Tabarin, R. Antoine, F. Rosu, I. Compagnon, M. Broyer, E. De Pauw, P. Dugourd

Electron Photodetachment Dissociation of DNA Polyanions in a Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer

Anal. Chem. (2006), 78, 6564‐6572.

28.  A. Louati, J. Spraula, V. Gabelica, P. Kuhn, D. Matt

Electrochemical study of two tris‐O‐substituted calix[4]arenes: 25,27‐Dipropoxy‐26‐hydroxy‐28‐benzoyloxycalix[4]arene(partial cone) and 25,27‐dibenzyl‐26‐hydroxy‐28‐benzoyloxy‐calix[4]arene(partial cone). Electrosynthesis of the corresponding calix[4]arene‐monoquinones

Electrochem. Commun. (2006), 8(5), 761‐766.

27.  E.S. Baker, S.L. Bernstein, V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw, M.T. Bowers

G‐Quadruplexes in Telomeric Repeats Are Conserved in a Solvent‐Free Environment

Int. J. Mass Spectrom. (2006), 253(3) Special Issue "Solution vs. Gas Phase Biomolecule Structure", 225‐237.

26.  F. Rosu, S. Pirotte, E. De Pauw, V. Gabelica

Positive and Negative ion Mode ESI‐MS and MS/MS for Studying Drug‐DNA Complexes

Int. J. Mass Spectrom. (2006), 253(3) Special Issue "Solution vs. Gas Phase Biomolecule Structure", 156‐171.

25.  E. Schultz, M. Karas, F. Rosu, V. Gabelica

Influence of the Matrix on Analyte Fragmentation in Atmospheric Pressure MALDI

J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2006), 17(7), 1005‐1013.

24.  V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw

Internal Energy and Fragmentation of Ions Produced in Electrospray Sources

Mass Spectrom. Rev. (2005), 24, 566‐587.

23.  A. Louati, R. Vataj, V. Gabelica, M. Lejeune, D. Matt

Formation of upper rim acylated calix[4]arenes using a sacrificial zinc anode

Tetrahedron Lett. (2005), 46, 7499‐7502.

22.  L. Guittat, A. De Cian, F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw, E. Delfourne, J.‐L. Mergny

Ascididemin andmeridine stabilise G‐quadruplexes and inhibit telomerase in vitro

Biochim. Biophys. Acta (2005), 1724, 375‐384.

21.  V. Gabelica, F. Rosu, M. Witt, G. Baykut, E. De Pauw

Fast gas‐phase H/D exchange observed for a G‐quadruplex DNA

Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. (2005), 19, 201‐208.

20. V. Henrotte, S. Laurent, V. Gabelica, L. Van der Elst, E. De Pauw, R.N. Muller

Investigation of non‐covalent interactions between paramagnetic complexes and human serum albumin by electrospray mass spectrometry

Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. (2004), 18, 1919‐1924.

19.  V. Gabelica, E. Schulz, M. Karas

Internal Energy build‐up in matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization

J. Mass Spectrom. (2004), 39, 579‐593.

18.  V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw, M. Karas

Influence of the capillary temperature and the source pressure on the internal energy distribution of electrosprayed ions

Int. J. Mass Spectrom. (2004), 231, 189‐195.

17.  F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, K. Shin‐ya, E. De Pauw

Telomestatin‐induced stabilization of the human telomeric DNA quadruplex monitored by electrospray mass spectrometry

Chem. Commun. (2003), 2072‐2073.

16.  V. Gabelica, M. Karas, E. De Pauw

Calibration of ion effective temperatures achieved by resonant activation in a quadrupole ion trap

Anal. Chem. (2003), 75, 5152‐5159.

15.  J.F. Greisch, V. Gabelica, F. Remacle, E. De Pauw

Thermometer ions for matrix‐enhanced laser desorption/ionisation internal energy calibration

Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. (2003), 17, 1847‐1854.

14.  L. Guittat, P. Alberti, F. Rosu, S. Van Miert, E. Thetiot, L. Pieters, V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw, A. Ottaviani,J.‐F. Riou, J.‐L. Mergny

Interactions of cryptolepine and neocryptolepine with unusual DNA structures

Biochimie (2003), 85, 535‐547. (issue cover)

13.  V. Gabelica, N. Galic, F. Rosu, C. Houssier, E. De Pauw

Influence of response factors on determining equilibrium association constants of non‐covalent complexes by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry

J. Mass Spectrom., (2003), 38, 491‐501.

12.  C. Carrasco, F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, C. Houssier, E. De Pauw, C. Garbay‐Jaureguiberry, B. Roques, D. W.Wilson, J. B. Chaires, M. J. Waring, C. Bailly

Tight binding of the antitumor drug ditercalinium to quadruplex DNA

ChemBioChem., (2002), 3, 1235‐1241.

11. F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, P. Colson, E. De Pauw

Triplex and Quadruplex DNA Structures Studied by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry

Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., (2002) 16, 1729‐1736.

10.  V. Gabelica, C. Vreuls, P. Filée, V. Duval, B. Joris, E. De Pauw

Advantages and Drawbacks of Nanospray for Studying Noncovalent Protein‐DNA Complexes by Mass Spectrometry

Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., (2002) 16, 1723‐1728.

9.  F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, C. Houssier, E. De Pauw

Determination of Affinity, Stoichiometry and Sequence Selectivity of Minor Groove Binder Complexes with Double‐Stranded Oligodeoxynucleotides by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

Nucleic Acids Res. (2002) 30, e82 (9 pages, open access article).

8.  V. Gabelica, N. Galic, E. De Pauw

On the Specificity of Cyclodextrin Complexes Detected by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry

J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2002) 13, 946‐953.

7.  V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw

Collision‐induced dissociation of 16‐mer DNA duplexes with various sequences: evidence for conservation of the double helix conformation in the gas phase

Int. J. Mass Spectrom. (2002) 219, 151‐159.

6.  R. Vastaj, H. Ridaoui, A. Louati, V. Gabelica, S. Steyer, D. Matt

First synthesis of “1,2‐diquinone‐calix[4]arene”. Interaction of its reduced form with Ag+

J. Electroanal. Chem. (2002) 519, 123‐129.

5.  V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw,

Comparison of the Collision‐Induced Dissociation of Duplex DNA at Different Collision Regimes: Evidence for a Multistep Dissociation Mechanism

J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2002) 13, 91‐98.

4.  V. Gabelica, D. Lemaire, O. Laprévote, E. De Pauw

Kinetics of Solvent Addition on Electrosprayed Ions in an Electrospray Source and in a Quadrupole Ion Trap

Int. J. Mass Spectrom. (2001) 210/211, 113‐119.

3.  V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw

Comparison between Solution Phase Stability and Gas Phase Kinetic Stability of Oligodeoxynucleotide Duplexes

J. Mass Spectrom. (2001) 36(4), 397‐402.

2.  V. Gabelica, F. Rosu, C. Houssier, E. De Pauw

Gas Phase Thermal Denaturation of Oligonucleotide Duplex and Complexes with Minor Groove Binders

Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. (2000) 14(6), 464‐467.

1.  V. Gabelica, E. De Pauw, F. Rosu, 

The Interaction between Antitumor Drugs and a Double‐stranded Oligonucleotide Studied by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

J. Mass. Spectrom (1999). 34(12), 1328‐1337.

Our team is part of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

and is located at the Centre Medical Universitaire (CMU)


Contact: Prof. Valerie Gabelica

Unité de Spectrométrie de Masse Bio-Analytique

Section des Sciences Pharmaceutiques

Université de Genève

Rue Michel-Servet 1

1206 Genève

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